One of WRJ’s primary missions is making all who come to Temple feel welcome.
Here’s how you can help.
1. Bake dessert items.
Bake any nut-free dessert. Need some recipes for inspiration? Click here! Label your baked items and deliver to Temple Emanu-El’s reception desk on Thursdays (anytime) and Fridays (before 9:30 a.m.). Our hospitality team will handle the rest!
2. Prepare and plate food items.
Join other WRJ volunteers on Friday mornings to prepare and plate the food and sweets that help to create a warm atmosphere for our popular Oneg Shabbats. If you are interested in participating on a regular or occasional basis, email and your message will be forwarded to our hospitality team.
3. Attend a Just Add Wine event.
Just Add Wine is a new program where WRJ members bake in Tobian Kitchen and drink wine together! It is a fun night to visit with old and new friends. WRJ supplies all the ingredients for several popular recipes and our members bake together to stock the WRJ freezer for Oneg Shabbats and other events. Check our calendar and join us for our next event!